Si vous souhaitez connaître les détails de GCCI Home Half / Automatic American Coffee Machine Dripping Tea Machine,Black , vous avez raison dans notre page parce que this day admin sera discuter sur ce caractéristiques Machines à expresso et cappuccino
GCCI offre color: black Function: American styleUse: Fully automaticCoffee pot Category: drip typeCoffee machine capacity: 6-10 cupsMaterial: Polypropylene / glass potPower: 650 wattsBrewing time: 10 minutes or moreFeatures: Anti-drip function can be interrupte...
ce qui est caractéristique et détail complet de GCCI Home Half / Automatic American Coffee Machine Dripping Tea Machine,Black ? lire à partir de lien ci-dessous
- Features: Anti-drip function can be interrupted at any time brewing process, can be cleaned with a dishwasher parts.
- The translucent tank design shows the water level in the tank
- Wire storage cells can be easily stored too long cable.
- Separable filter, water injection and cleaning more convenient.
- Power switch with indicator light.
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